I just received (and accepted) a facebook friend request from Grant Miller. Some of you may know, and if you didn't you do now, that my last name is also Miller. Grant Miller did not. He said, "... Never realized you were a Miller also.."
However, I have a secret.... PROMISE you won't say anything? Pinky swear???
I'm not really a Miller. I just pretend I am, because I have such a huge crush on a certain blogger....
I spend all my time at school daydreaming, and writing "Mrs. Miller" all over my Trapper Keeper. And you don't even want to see the inside of my locker... it's embarrassing.
Anyway... SHHHHHHHH, okay? I would, like, TOTALLY DIE if he ever found out!
Me, too! My real name is Coffeypot Miller. And I'm damn proud of it, too. I just wish I had a locker to mount (did I say mount?} stuff to show my feelings.
My mother is a Miller. My Grandpa used to say, "At one time, everyone was a Miller...then the dumb ones changed their names to something else."
I bet Grant's real last name is something galmorous..like Jones.
Flour Power...
Your last name isn't Miller? And I've known you for months. I feel so betrayed! just kidding. What is your last name? And do you know MY last name ;-)
You mean Scott Baio's last name is really miller, and he's a blogger??
Ummmm....I though we were going to tell everyone we were brother and sister? Now you ruining my story!
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