Saturday, November 27, 2010

$#!t my son says....

Today my son Mike and I were watching "A Boy Named Charlie Brown", or one of those other Charlie Brown movie things...

Charlie Brown and Linus were on their way to school. They passed by Lucy and 2 other chicks (I know one of them was Violet). Lucy ran up to Charlie Brown and sarcastically suggested he volunteer for the class Spelling Bee. So, he decided to do it. All 3 of the girls danced around Charlie Brown, singing about how he's a failure and going to make a fool of himself.

Mike: "Charlie Brown is going to bring a gun to school."

I laughed and laughed and laughed. And thought that the people who read my blog probably have the same sense of humor as me and would also appreciate that.


Some Guy said...

Yep. It made me laugh. Thanks!

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...


Sans Pantaloons said...

I'm sure Tim Burton could do great things with this suggestion.