-It's currently 2:29 am on Friday morning, and I'm awake and blogging.
-I spoke with a woman in Maryland Thursday, and she was complaining because it was 31 degrees. I told her that was picnic weather, and it was about 60 degrees colder where I am, so put a fucking sock in it. (ok, maybe not the sock part)
-I should really clean my apartment.
-I wish I was sleeping right now.
-I haven't thrown up since New Years Eve.
-I'm having dinner at a friends house tonight. She has 3 kitty kats that are in love with me.
-That lame Garfield picture up there was the first one that came up when I image searched "sleep"
It has just warmed up here, we were at 0.9ºF when I looked about 20 minutes ago, after a low of -31.5º this morning.
Spring is coming!
You want to go to sleep real fast, let me tell you about my sex life. It all started...
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