Monday, December 6, 2010

online dating...

A dude... without a shirt on... holding up a fish he just caught.... contacted me.

Um... no.

THAT is the picture you choose for your profile??? For the first impression?? I mean, I know I'm in Wisconsin. I could maybe see a picture of you with your shirt off with the 30 point buck you just shot strapped to the back of your pickup... but not a fish. LAME.

*p.s. the pic I used is NOT the dude.


Sans Pantaloons said...

Amy, I'm holding an armadillo in my profile pic, so I can't possibly judge.
Although I'm not bare-chested. I'm wearing a Mackintosh and leaning against a Greyhound Bus.
So far no-one has contacted me. I have often wondered why.

joe said...

That's the problem with the internet. You just don't know what kind of nuts you're gonna run into

joe said...

.. like 網頁設計, for one....